So much for a David and Goliath thing...
Kinda felt that I am a little behind on blog posts, but that's ok as I have foretold it in the beginning of May. Now I just have to take my time catching up with the rest of the blogroll, as well as a bit of the anime backlog.
As promised, I will get started on Toradora! tonight. Didn't watch it while it was being aired as I was occupied with Gundam 00 and Clannad After Story already. While Danny Choo didn't seem to like it upon first impression, lots of people seem to like the whole series very much, so I need to see it myself how well the Kugimiya disease does this time round... ^^;
On the other hand, I kinda feel anticipated to the Kyou chapter for Clannad, which will be out on 1st July. Both Fujibayashi sisters look quite solemn there, and Kyou seems to look older than usual in the screencaps.
Image from Moetron - the scan is about one month old though
That's it for now. I'm going home in a week, so I will be much more active with gunpla and things back in Hong Kong. Who knows, I might be going to Tokyo sometime next month with my family as well, but that's not confirmed at the moment. Will keep things updated from now onwards :o
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