... Hong Kong dollars, that is. ^^;
Hong Kong dollar (HKD) is pegged by the United States dollar (i.e. fixed exchange rate), so 200HKD roughly equals to 25USD. So what can I get with that amount of money, or rather what did I get with such amount for each purchase?
A figma?
Most 2500 Yen figma such as Shana cost about that price or slightly lower in Hong Kong, unless it's a hard-to-find one.
Or 4 light novels that Shana is sitting on right now?
I've started reading Shakugan no Shana novels sometime last year, but as I am a slow reader, my progress on it is slower than a snail at the moment... ^^;;
Or some gunpla?
The price of gunpla varies from scale and date (bigger and/or newer ones are more expensive, and vice versa), but generally I can grab around 2-3 1/144 or one 1/100 (non Master Grade) and one 1/144 with that amount of money.
Or even some military stuff?
I buy fewer military models now as there are fewer releases these days. But something like this WWII beach landing diorama as shown abobe was quite a good get for me. I have yet to open mine as I was seriously distracted by this back then... -_-
As you can see, what I can/did buy with 200 dollars can be quite varied (from figma to gunpla to military), which kinda shows how my interest starts to get a bit more diverse these days.
Getting diverse at what I like can be good, as I can start understand different people with different hobbies more and more. On the other hand, getting too diverse can also be... A little dangerous, as I am prone to even more temptations than I used to be. @_@
What will you get if you have 200HKD or 25USD in your hands right now? Figures? Gunpla? Manga? CDs/DVDs? Games? Or is it not enough for you to buy anything? XD
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