I'm finally back, though a bit tired. Just as I said in the
previous post, here's the coverage of Gundam Expo Hong Kong 2009 which took place in the Metropolis Hall in Hung Hom last month.
In addition, the Expo is also reported by
robostrike and
Asuka, who have both gone to the Expo on different dates. Ngee Khiong has also reported on it (in
three seperate posts) taken from other sites and forums.

When I was on my way to the Expo, I did see an advertisment in MTR (Hong Kong's main railway) showing promotion between Gundam and MTR. Apparently you can buy tickets which will have images of RX-78 Gundam, Char's Zaku, chibi looking Exia or Flag on the ticket itself.

Just like the year before, large statues of Gundam Exia and 00 Gundam stand proudly in the entrance.

A large footprint of the RX-78 Gundam!

Various 1/144 HGUC on display, including the huge GP03 Dendobrium in the second image

Closer shot of the GP03 + the Dendrobium

The recently released 1/100 MG Victory Gundam. Seeing the actual model in person makes me appreciate its incredible small size! It's about the same height as a 1/144 HGUC Nu Gundam!

Shelf showing recent gunpla releases of the time - including 1/144 HG Masurao, 1/100 Mirage Frame, and the 1/60 PG 00 Raiser.

Robot Damashii action figures. Most are from Gundam 00 with a few exceptions in the middle section like the Turn A and Turn X, Crossbone X-2, and the uncoloured and yet-to-be released V2 Assault Buster (the middle one in blue and white only).

1/60 PG 00 Gundam (without the O Raiser) up close.

1/60 O Raiser up close.

A collection of actor Joey Leung's (梁榮忠) Gundam merchandise. I don't know much about him (along with a lot of the Hong Kong's entertainment), but he is well known as a Gundam fan.

A closer look of his custom painted PG 00 Gundam.

Closer look of his other merchandise, including the MTR tickets mentioned above, phone accessories, a Federation uniform, a signed Zeon flag, as well as books and catalogues on gunpla.

A runner of MG Sinanju's bazooka, which only comes with volume 8 of the Gundam UC novel. Unlike MG Unicorn's gattling gun, which could only be obtained from the Japanese version of the novel (volume 4). Sinanju's bazooka can be obtained from the localised Chinese version of the novel too.

BAKUC statue and cups on display.

BAKUC is a gunpla modelling competition (hence the full name Bandai Action Kits Universal Cup), as well as a mysteriously masked guy who is apparently "a top modeller" as well as a friend of Kawaguchi sensei (the "father of gunpla kits" or so people say).

Various recoloured models in display in the BAKUC section

A model submitted for BAKUC competition, showing a customised Guntank and Zaku I. I think this is the grand final model for this year's competition.

Closer look of the customised Guntank. It seems to have used parts from the 1/100 Tieren. Very nice I must say, and there's even an artwork for it too!

Various recoloured models on display.

A poor angle, but this custom built and painted MS-06RD-4 Zaku II caught my attention. It's a prototype of Dom using Zaku as the frame for testbed, which is seen in first episode of 08th MS Team.

1/144 XN Raiser conversion kit shown built and mounted on Cherudim Gundam and 00 Gundam. The kit was released with Hobby Japan sometime near September last year. I managed to get one myself too. May work on it over the Easter or the summer.

1/100 MG Asray Blue Frame 2nd Revise

A display of an Astray Red Frame that was used for photography for Hobby Japan December issue (i.e. this is NOT the MG Astray Red Frame, but rather it's converted from the MG Astray Blue Frame model kit).

Gunpla shop area, located in the same area like last year.

Various limited models on sale. Most of them are clear colour models which I don't take a keen interest on. For a full list of the limited stuff there you can check this post from Ngee Khiong.

1/144 HG Gundam Exia Repair x O Gundam clear colour bundel kit. Not interested in the kit itself, but love the art though.

A small shelf showing the the latest Model Plus magazine with the 2 differently coloured 1/144 HGUC Kshatriya used for the front cover.

A bird's view (or rather view from an escalator) of the Expo's shop section. Boxes and boxes of gunpla can be seen~

Candy toys (shokugans and gashapons etc) section. Showing various candy toys including the StandArts on the top section, the relatively new Digital Grade (DG) miniatures, as well as the chibi Gundams from gashapons at the bottom.

Various Sangokuden models on display. Too bad I am not familiar with this particular line of gunpla.

The (notorious?) Gundam SEED VS Astray line of gunpla kits. They are supposed to be new models for the upcoming new side story manga of the Astray series. I am not sure whether the first chapter of the manga is out on magazines yet or not, but there are already quite a few models released since the summer.

A small diorama showing various Gundams in battle from Gundam 00. I find it interesting how Seravee Gundam is literally staying up in the air using the thin pink beam as a support.

Various Gundam 00 gunpla on display. Most are from Season 2.

Various Sangokuden models in diorama display.

Closer look of the Unicorn Gundam in Destroy mode for the StandArt shokugan minature. For something that's even smaller than 1/144 scale this is a very detailed pre-painted pre-assembled model.

Kshatriya StandArt

Tiny SD Gundams gashapons

Luminodot - something like art display of some sort. For reference you can read this post from Ngee Khiong (old images are gone unfortunately)

Stage area for the Expo, various gaming, speed modelling, or even quiz events will take place according to the daily schedule they have planned in advance.

Foldable spray booth from BAKUC for those who need an easy setup for spraypainting. What got my attention wasn't the spray booth itself, but rather the runners that are on display, since I have no clue on where this sniper rifle or the bazooka are from.

A timeline showing all the aired animated series for Gundam franchise from the first Mobile Suit Gundam to Gundam 00.

The middle enclosed section of the Expo shows photos of the construction of 1/1 Gundam that was displayed over the summer in Odaiba.

1/30 scale referecnce model of the Gundam that was used for its bigger brother.

Nice shots of the completed Gundam in full glory.

Also included in the middle section was the promotion of the upcoming Gundam UC (Unicorn) OVA series, showing models and promotional video of it.

A prototype of the GFFMC Unicorn Gundam. As one can see it's not completed yet (like the unpainted black head), and its weapons other than the beam rifle are not dipsplayed here. Well let's just hope that it will not disappoint the fans like the Zeta Plus released earlier last year.

Robot Damashii action figures of Unicorn Gundams (both Unicorn and Destroy mode), as well as Geara Zulu.

StandArt minatures mentioned above.

Upcoming model of HGUC Rezel. In fact it has *just* been released as of writing this post.

1/144 HGUC Kshatriya, already released.

Main display area of the gunpla models for Gundam UC.

Final shot showing the entrance of the Gundam Expo just before I left the place.
Overall, the Expo is keeping its standard like the one before. Not like super impressive, but a fair number of stuff on display including upcoming models and BAKUC entries, but hey there's no admission fee so one can't really complain too much about it. It's more like a small Expo intended for the general public as well as big fans to appreciate the Gundam franchise. While I did not buy anything over there, it's nice to stroll around freely and appreciate the models and photos that are on display.

Album: Gundam Expo Hong Kong 2009
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