Famitsu has revealed that the latest instalment of the Gundam Vs series Gundam Vs Gundam EXTREME VS is getting ported to PS3 console, and it is to be released on 1st December 2011!

Gundam Vs Gundam EXTREME VS is first available as arcade game in Autumn last year. As far as I know, it retains the NEXT DASH system from the previous game (Gundam Vs Gundam NEXT), which allows quick dashes while cancelling previously made moves (and enables one to perform the next move quickly like chaining). Back is also an awakening gauge of some sort from the older series such as that from the Zeta era or SEED series, and each unit will have its own special ultimate move as well while in "awakened" mode.

00QAN[T] with Trans-Am

Astray Red Frame with its 150m long katana o_o

Crossbone Gundam X1 Full Cloth is going to be a new unit in the game

Seravee Gundam is likely going to be a PS3 exclusive suit, as it has not yet appeared in the arcade

Kshatriya vs Unicorn Gundam

Turn A vs Turn X

A lush looking Sinanju soaring the sky

Dismemberment other than across the torso is seen here on a grunt Zaku

The Hildolfr will be something that I will look forward to use in person~
The game will be released on 1st December at an official retail price of 8380 Yen (tax included). Price is a bit steep, but maybe I'll get to be more active on the PS3 in this second half of the year along with Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, which will be released in October!
Arcade game official site:
PS3 game official site:
Pictures are from Famitsu
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