Farewell 2010, and welcome 2011.
Writing an 'end of year' post is never something easy for me I gotta admit ^^;
How has 2010 been for me? To put in concise: A tough first half of the year, followed by a better second half to ease things down a bit as I am now staying in Hong Kong for good. My spending on hobby has been more or less the same (if not less) from last year, but will plan to cut down a bit for next year. I still build Gunpla now and then (abeit at a much slower pace due to lack of time and some eye problems, which I may or may not mention in a future post), even though I have not mentioned them much in my blog recently.
Time has not been a luxury I get to enjoy much nowadays, so it takes me much longer to visit blogs or even to reply to comments, not to mention my backlogs that are slowly piling up over time ^^; I have effectively halted on watching anime after Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood has ended, and I haven't even got around to play my PS3 this month! T_T

2010 also means the end of a few blogs, with some notable ones include OMNI's old Random Curiosity blog (which is now survived by a new one run by Divine and a few others), and Ngee Khiong (which is survived by his "Ex" personal blog). However, each end comes with a new beginning, and at least OMNI and Ngee Khiong moved on from their old blogs in a good way.

My last purchase of the year happens to be 2 1/144 Leopold railway guns from Dragon Can.do. They're long discontinued, and are even harder to find than their special / limited edition colour variants. I am glad that my five years' grudge of not able to own them is now over. A great way to end the year I must say!
I've met quite a few bloggers this year, namely Rin, Adun, gundamjehutykai, coffeebugg, and AstrayP03. I've also met Tokyo Hunter and Danny Choo in CGM Night Tokyo this summer too, and it was quite an experience. Never thought I'd meet bloggers and people with common interest in person, but I do hope I can do so again in the future!
Last but not least, I wish everyone a Happy New Year, and all the best for our hobby!
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