Before I know it, it's already 31st December, and 2008 is coming to an end.
To end the year, I seem to have exceeded Photobucket's 25GB monthly bandwidth today, thanks to the huge coverage of the Gundam Expo Hong Kong 2008 on the previous post. The remaining 5GB was depleted within 5 hours! Guess it's time to move to Flickr soon orz

Not very helpful indeed -_-
On the other hand,
Knowing that I am already running out of space, I nevertheless continue to buy more and more stuff, and this year it has become crazier and more varied (for me): Military shokugan, figma, scaled figures (2 to be exact), and more gunpla for me to build. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for visiting and commenting on my blog. Without Danny Choo and you fellow bloggers out there, I don't think my room would be so cluttered by now. ^^;

Anyway, Q wishes you a Happy New Year from Hong Kong!
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