As with previous years, there are always a lot Gundam models (aka Gunpla) on display for a model competition. The name of the competition changed for a few times, just like the ACGHK convention itself, but I think it's now set to Gunpla Builders World Cup for consistency, as well as making it a worldwide event as competitions are held in other countries too, with each regional winner bring in for a final round at the end of the year.
It's been a bit busy for me recently, so I had difficulty trying to get in the event and take pictures of the models. I couldn't take as many pictures as I have wanted, but nevertheless here is the final post for this year's ACGHK coverage!

MG 1/100 Nu Gundam

Attack on titan Zaku

Suiting up Duel, Iron Man style

Deathscythe Hell fell to the Wing Zero

An all-blue version of Gundam AGE-2 Artimes

O Gundam with Gundam AGE-1's Zefuld Launchers and binders of O Raiser

Celestial Being (Cherudim Gundam and Arios Gundam from 2nd season, as well as 00Q and Raphael from the movie)

Unicorn Gundam in Destroy Mode with blue psycoframe

Astray Red Frame with a huge gattling gun

Hi-Nu Gundam

Duel Gundam Assault Shrould with a fallen Base Jabber in the background

Neue Ziel and Zaku vs GP03

Unicorn Gundam with head display stand

Repainted Arios Gundam

A Gundam hybrid of Wing, Deathscythe, Shenlong

A heavily modded Quebeley

Char Aznable's Gouf Custom?

Zaku tank

Good ol' Char's Z'gok

A strange looking one, but the label says "Kestrel II", which is based on that from the photonovel Advance of Zeta: The Traitor to Destiny

This God Gundam has a lot of sponsors!

White Ogre's Zaku II from MS IGLOO 2

A Zaku theme phone? That's a rather unusual entry

A beefed up Meteor system. It even comes with lighting effect

This butterfly is made out of Gunpla parts?!

Crossbone Gundam

The 3 forms of Gundam AGE-1 have assimilated other Gunpla parts and become rather unusual looking trio

Another Nu Gundam

A custom paint Delta Plus with a massive bazooka

RG 1/144 Zeta Gundam with a custom built ZII behind it.

MG 1/100 Sinanju Stein

Gundam Exia with a bit of pseudo armour purging as seen in Unicorn Gundam and Nu Gundam Ver.Ka

V2 Assault Buster Gundam with nice cosmic background effects

Extreme Gundam Tachyon Phase. That's a nice mod for the outer frame

A dark looking Blue Frame Astray 2nd L Revise

A Gafran (from Gundam AGE) as a knight! Now that is quite creative

Duel Gundam purging its Assault Shroud armour parts.

A mean looking Gundam Epyon

MG 1/100 Tallgeese II, a web shop limited item

MG 1/100 Kampfer with Neo Zeon "Sleeves" decoration

Destiny Gundam taking down Impulse Gundam.

A custom Gyan with 2 beam swords and a split shield on each arm

A Zaku holding its pilot

A Zaku Mariner diving with a Jesta behind it

A Gouf Custom with Neo Zeon "Sleeves" decorations

Ground Type GM with GM Sniper (Ground Type)

This big bad boy seems to be a huge hybridisation of many, many SD Gundam parts. So big that it's even taller than some of the MG 1/100 Gunplas!

Two different kinds of modded Tallgeese in a duel. Accidently took pictures of the judges in the background too ^^;
Pretty sure that the man on the left with the obscured face is Katsumi Kawaguchi, a well known Bandai employee who makes Gunpla models and makes tutorials of them too.

A GM Quel equipped with Hazel booster unit and a Marasai.

More MS from Advance of Zeta: The Flag of Titans

Wing Gundam getting ready for space launch!

Diorama of a Core Fighter

I think this is the winner of this year's competition for Hong Kong region. It's hard to described what it is, but there are stone statues looking up to 2 MS at the very top. All (if not most) are from Gundam AGE.

The two MS at the top

The work was inspected and discussed for a long time among the judges, and was later taken down for a photoraph with the modeller. Mr Kawaguchi even signed on the winner's work as well!
There were actually more models out there, but as the interior section was closed off for the afternoon on the last day, I couldn't get in to see them. I do wish I had more time available to myself orz.
There are rumours that there are not enough good entries for this year's competition, which is also commented similarly by some of my friends' impression who I went with this year. Do you think so too? While I have not seen as many works that made me want to say "wow" this year, there were still a lot of models that I could not get to see, so I possibly did not get to see the bigger image.
This concludes the ACGHK 2013 coverage. This one came a bit late, but I hope you enjoyed the photos!
Gunpla Builders World Cup 2013 Hong Kong
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