At last, the wait is over! My most anticipated figure, ALTER 1/7 Fate T Harlaown True Sonic Form (aka Shin Sonic Form) has arrived! The figure arrived in the shop on Thursday night, and my mother and sister picked it up after receiving their call on the following night.
Their comment? "The box is HUGE!" ^^;
More pictures from my sister after the jump!

Current status:

Click for full size picture
Now it is sitting quietly on my desk back home. Not as big as Yagami Hayate's box (as shown in ALTER's official blog), but this is still a HUGE box! Not only has it dominated my remaining desk space, the fat PS2 is now completely obscured by it!
I won't get to see it myself until I get back home for Christmas, so no reviews or photoshoot until then. But at least no more waiting with anxiety, and luckily the total price we had to pay isn't as high as the retail price of 12800 Yen.
I have to thank my mother and sister for taking the trouble of retrieving it as well as to take the pictures for me!
This is possibly the first time you'll get to see my desk. As you can see it has various sorts of things on it. The space that the box has occupied is where my laptop usually resides (when I am in Hong Kong), or is used for poseable figure reviews. For some reasons I just like having things around me rather than having them displayed on a shelf (because I will tend to ignore them as a result).
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