16 September 2013

Big Zam Tofu Photo Contest Results

Back in June Big Zam Tofu made its debut to the public after the glorious successes of Zaku tofu and Z'gok tofu for the glory of Zeon. In July a photo contest was held for the best diorama featuring the Big Zam tofu, and results were out in end of August. Let's see how the Battle of Solomon is acted out in tofu form!

Here is the overall winner, of which the diorama is named "The Fall of Solomon"

Not only are there GMs and a G-Fighter on the left, but also Doms on the right, as well as Dolze Zabi's monsterous-looking spirit behind the Big Zam! The mega particle beam is made of stretched fried egg and

Cold dish award

Rice dish award

The fact that the dish of Big Zam rice is supported by the "legs" and a dessert glass at the back is pretty impressive, and there are well sculpted pilots being towed by a Zaku in the foreground!

Salad award

Nice to see Zakus which are moulded with the Zaku Tofu, and there is even Char's Zaku added into the fray. The Gundam on the right is made with hanpen.
Some dioramas are pretty well thought out and sculpted, others are just mouth-watering enough for me to want to take a bite of it! ^^;

More photos of other entries can be found in the Grand-prix photo contest website!

http://big-zam.jp/, Gundam Info


  1. Wow "The Fall of Solomon" is really nicely done... I specially like the two GMs on the side XD The seaweed devil shadow on the back is also a very nice touch. Thanks for sharing more cool photos with us Q ^^b

    1. The winner sure deserves its place! There are a lot of attention to details, be it the MS or the seaweed in the background, all of which must have taken quite some time to do!

  2. For me, less is more so the most impressive has to be that rice dish with the standing Big Zam!

    But if you asked me which one I'd want to eat the most, it has to be the curry!

    1. The standing Big Zam does stand out (pun not intended!) in not being too flamboyant on the details. It's hard to say which dish I'd like to go for the most, but both the curry and the salad award one are fine for me!


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