Hong Kong has various visitors coming over by sea this year:
a sailing ship,
a warship, and now... A giant rubber duck?
This larger-than-life rubber duck is currently the latest hype rocking the city of Hong Kong. Having been floating here near the Ocean Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui since early 2nd May, it brought a lot of hype and joy to locals and tourists. Again, as it's not something one will get to see every day, I decided to pay the duck a visit as well.

Instead of taking the MTR train, I took the ferry across the harbour, which is in fact a shorter trip.

By the time I arrived on the other side of the harbour, the crowd is already just outside taking pictures of the duck!

And here's the duck itself in full view. This Rubber Duck is an ongoing project from Dutch artist Florentijin Hofman, where the duck has made appearance in various cities across the world, spreading joy to those who get to see it in person. Hong Kong is currently the latest stop for the duck to visit as part of its world tour. Standing at 16.5m tall, it is currently the largest duck to make appearance in Asia, 2nd largest in the world tour next to that in St Nazaire (26m).

Hi there!

Going up to the carpark, which was the same location as where I took picture of the USS Peleliu last month, the

Looking down on the curious crowd.

A view of the Rubber Duck by the Star Ferry Pier with Central district of Hong Kong in the background across the harbour.

A view of Central from Tsim Sha Tsui. The great number of glassy skyscrapers mark the pinnacle of the commercial district in Hong Kong.

A look at the crowd taking pictures of the duck. There sure are a lot of people!

There are smaller rubber duck statues on display for people to take pictures with. Don't really think one is allowed to sit on them, but that got ignored quite often, especially the children.

The floor underneath the ducks has a nice illusion of waterfalls when looked from a correct angle. I was lucky to take this picture as the crowd got dispersed as a result of a sudden rain.

I do find the way people take pictures of the duck amusing, along with the variety of equipments used.

The rubber duck will be on display until 9th June. If you do happen to be nearby up til that date, do try and give it a visit; it isn't very often you see a big duck floating in a city. :P
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