Felt like looking back at my older photos from my previous trips to Japan. They were all taken with my old camera, which died shortly before I restarted blogging. I did not take as many photos back then as I would do now, but I thought it would be a nice thing to bring a few back up on the surface from my Picasa account.
The Fuji Television headquarters in Odaiba, Tokyo
View of the architecture of the Fuji Television headquarters from below. The observation sphere on 26th floor, and the elevator leading to it can be seen in the right photo
Auguste Rodin's "Gates of Hell" in front of the National Museum of Western Art, Ueno
For some reasons The Gates of Hell reminded me of the Gate of Alchemy / Door of Truth in Fullmetal Alchemist.
There are a lot of performers in Ueno Park. Performances vary from magic shows to martial dances, to a diabolo performance from someone called Koji Koji Moheji (unfortunately I have lost the photos I have taken of him)
No smoking signs appear in various locations in Tokyo (Tsukiji Fish Market, Nakano, Shinjuku, Musashino). For some reasons I liked taking photos of these signs, but haven't done so last year (mainly because I have revisited those places already).
Ever wondered how wasabi looks like originally? The root that is used to make the spice is seen here in Tsukiji Fish Market.
What's a good way to promote your music? A truck with advertisment of DOUBLE and Namie Amuro's new album "The Best Collaboration" spotted in Shibuya
Robot from "Castle in the Sky" (aka. "Laputa") in Ghibli Museum, Mitaka
Vehicles of Uyoku dantai (右翼団体), or right wing groups, parked on one side of the road with a man giving speeches in Shinjuku
Despite the fact that the Second World War is over for more than 60 years, there are still a number of extremists in Japan who would openly bring up the Rising Sun Flag and "re-justify" Japan's role during the war (among other things). This reminded me a concluding remark from a recent BBC news article: Germany has atoned. Young Germans know of their nation's dreadful crimes. But young Japanese are taught nothing of their nation's guilt.
Back to the first image of the post: A view of Shinjuku from my room in the hotel. Even though I live in Hong Kong, I too get surprised how much of a metropolis Tokyo really is with the sheer urban area, as if there is no boundary to be seen.
That's pretty much it. Unlike the Hong Kong counterpart this is probably going to be a standalone post of my past photos in Tokyo. Should you do wish to look at a few more photos you can feel free to look at my dormant Picasa gallery, which has other random photos including those I took in Bovington Tank Museum and some of the earliest figure review photos I did for figma Fate and Max Factory Shana. I moved onto Photobucket after doing the Shana review for normal images, and Flickr for trips/coverage photos.
One way or the other, I do hope that you like this little post of mine. Feeling nostalgic is somewhat linked to my mood recently (feeling like 囧 again). It's not about wanting to go back to Tokyo again, but rather just to look back at the past experience that I enjoyed and appreciated back then.
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